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  • Open Arms International

Brenda and Natalie

"Two little girls need your help!"

The urgent call came from the local Children's Officer. Recently, two precious little girls were rescued from the home where they were living a nightmare.

Brenda and Natalie had been living with their mother in a small village. Their mom, trapped in extreme poverty with little opportunity, worked as a commercial sex worker to feed her family. She would often leave the girls alone for days.

One day, a neighbor man came to Brenda and Natalie's home while their mom was away. Saying that their mom had sent him to give them some food, he enticed them to his house and began to abuse the little girls. The abuse continued and the girls confided in neighbors about their situation.

One day, when their mother left home, they ran away to find help. This time, the girls were taken to a temporary emergency shelter.

Soon after, Open Arms Village was able to welcome these girls and provide a safe, loving and supportive home where they have begun their healing process.

There are many children in Kenya facing circumstances just like Brenda and Natalie. A worldwide recession is only worsening the extreme poverty in Kenya. Now, more children are being abandoned. Increased drug and alcohol abuse is leading to more child abuse and neglect.

You can provide safety for more children like Brenda and Natalie! This is why Open Arms Village must be ready to welcome the most vulnerable babies and children when they are left without the love and safety they need. But we can't do it without you.

Before this year ends, we're working to raise $40,000 so we can be ready with arms wide open to receive the children who are coming in 2023.

Will you provide a safe and loving home for more children like Brenda and Natalie?

Please don’t wait. More children are coming in 2023 and they could really use your support.

Will you make a gift to help a child have a safe home, loving parents, healthy food, a great education... all pointing to the love of a Heavenly Father who knows them and cares about them?

Thank you for being you! Kind, caring, compassionate… I’m so grateful the children showing up at our doorstep can count on you in their time of need.

With heartfelt thanks,

Kaytie Fiedler

Executive Director, Open Arms International US

P.S. Will you help Open Arms Village be ready to care for more children in desperate need? You can give by clicking this link:

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