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  • Writer's pictureOpen Arms International

Changing Lives

Updated: May 4, 2022

One of the most vital components of fighting systemic poverty is receiving a quality education. Having Open Arms Academy in Mlango has given close to 400 students an unrivaled opportunity to succeed in the future. And the community agrees. They have seen how much education changes the lives of their children.

In 2014, an 11-year boy named John came to Open Arms Academy to get an education. He was one of the dozens of students sponsored to go to the academy. He had never set foot in a classroom before and he could not read or write. The teachers worked tirelessly with him. Four years later, he did his final class 8 exams and emerged as the best student. He is now attending one of the best national high schools in Kenya!

Some students walk up to 4 miles every day to attend Open Arms Academy. And some of these same students have taught their parents to read and write, too!

Thank you for making a lasting effect that will change generations. I appreciate you!

God bless you,

Kaytie Fiedler Executive Director, Open Arms International US

P.S. Have you heard about the $25,000 match for new monthly donors? Click here to learn more about the Circle of H.O.P.E. and how your gift can be DOUBLED!

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