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Off to College and A Baby Update

Open Arms International

Updated: May 2, 2022

I recently shared with you about our eight high school graduates of 2021. Each one has now completed the process of applying for higher education in colleges and universities!

In Kenya, 4.2 years of education is the average. Because of you, these kids are way above average!

The Open Arms Child Welfare Department has been working closely with each graduate to submit applications to various colleges and universities through the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement System (KUCCPS).

Each graduate applied for at least three courses/ programs in different higher learning institutions. We received word last week that seven of the ten have been accepted into various programs! We are waiting to hear about the other three soon. Praise God!

“I can’t wait to start my higher learning studies. Thank you for always believing in us!” said one of our graduates.

I know we are all so proud of these kids! Would you please join me in praying for these 10 students as they begin their college journey? And, THANK YOU for supporting them through the years. You have changed their lives!

From tiny babies, like our newest family member, Kiano, to our graduates flying from the nest, YOU provide each child at Open Arms Village an amazing opportunity to achieve their dreams.

God bless you,

Kaytie Fiedler

Executive Director, Open Arms International U.S.

P.S. Baby Kiano, the newborn who came to live at Open Arms Village last week, is doing great! And I am so excited that four people accepted the challenge to help with the additional costs of caring for another baby by joining the Circle of H.O.P.E. last week. We need six more! Would you help Kiano and other babies to come by becoming a monthly donor? Your new monthly gift will be DOUBLED up to $25,000 when you join the Circle of H.O.P.E. today!

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