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Open Arms International

Update from Romania

The spring semester has begun at Denisa Care Center. Fifty children are now enrolled in the program and more requests continue to come.

In December, Denisa Care Center celebrated 15 year of serving the children in their village and surrounding communities. What an incredible impact this program has made in the lives of hundreds of children! Because of your support, the number of students completing high school has skyrocketed. Many even continue on to college!

Here are some highlights from Cami of the last quarter at Denisa Care Center:

  • The new transport van arrived in the fall and is making a big difference in our ability to serve the children. Since receiving the van, six new kids were enrolled to the program.

  • The children study hard at Denisa from Monday through Thursday. Fridays are set aside for extracurricular activities, including art, life skills, and games.

  • We have a birthday party every month now for the kids born in that particular month. It works very well. All kids feel special and celebrated in a new way every time. That is a time when our volunteers come and help with games and activities.

  • In December, we had an indoor Christmas program again, the first indoor one after the pandemic. Many parents and siblings of our kids attended. Everyone enjoyed the celebration and heard the Good News of Jesus through the Christmas story.

Meet Nicoleta

Nicoleta was enrolled in our program in September 2022. She comes from a family with many needs. The family’s income is very low and recently her parents were facing some health issues. At home, Nicoleta received very little support with her homework.

When Nicoleta came into the Denisa program, she was insecure and withdrawn. But in just 5 months, she has made significant progress. She is active and confident in class and is quick to finish her school work. Nicoleta’s reading and writing skills improved greatly. Being in the Denisa program is making a big difference for Nicoleta’s development.

Prayer requests

  • For safety and good health for the kids and staff.

  • For wisdom and patience for the teachers as they work with the kids.

  • For the children as they have important tests and exams in the next three weeks.

Thank you for all you do to bless the children of Romania. You are making such a difference in their lives!

Stephanie Clinton

Open Arms International US

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