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Urgent News from Open Arms Village!

I'm writing to you with an urgent need. Today, another baby joined the Open Arms family. And with her arrival came heartbreaking news from our staff in Kenya - we simply cannot afford to take in any more babies right now. 

Our Baby Home is overflowing and our budget is stretched thin. But God is asking us to trust Him!

Co-Founder Rachel Gallagher shares, "In December we were asked to take in three babies, but because of financial constraints only took in two. We later found out the other baby died. We have received seven babies in the last six months, and the County Children’s department is constantly turning to us because they know that we provide the careful and excellent care that an infant needs."

The reality is, our babies often come with critical health needs. Our skilled, caring staff and family model of care offer them the very best chance to survive - and thrive. Being turned away could very likely be a death sentence for many of these babies. 

woman holding baby

We are humbly and urgently asking for your help. Would you join us in caring for these precious lives?

It costs just $11 a day to provide holistic care for a child at Open Arms Village. Is God calling you to this mission? 

Our goal is to raise enough days of care to provide for these seven new additions to the family for at least one year. That means we are asking our Champions to help us raise $28,105 by June 15th, so we can tell our staff in Kenya that help is on its way. We need you!​

Join us in saying with Rachel, "I thank God that He put us in the place where are able to rescue them - provide love, nutrition and nurture - and look forward to who they will become in the Kingdom of God in the future!"

Prayer Focus

Pray that we will not have to turn more babies away, that supporters will step in with financial gifts that will cover months of care at a time. $11 a day is all we need!

Pray for our Kenyan Aunties who serve around-the-clock caring for these precious ones. Pray for God-given strength, wisdom, energy and peace as they care for critically ill babies.

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