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Water, Water Everywhere!

What would you do without water?

In the past five months, Kenya has been facing one of its worst water crises in years. It's been especially difficult in rural areas like the community around Open Arms Village.

Children holding water jugs

Wells have dried up and every day, more people are desperate for any source of water. That, in turn, creates a sanitation crisis that puts the lives of people and vulnerable children at risk for deadly diseases.

But God has blessed us with an incredible resource: the Kipkaren River!

Water jug on woman's head

In an initiative led by long-term missionary Ted Whiteman, Open Arms Village now provides clean water to the neighbors in our community each day. They are no longer forced to make the long trek down to the river and back with heavy containers. Your support launched this vital ministry!

Water hose dispensing water

Community members will take ownership in the project by managing the pump that now carries river water to a central location.

Thank you for helping us reach out to our neighbors with clean water and point them towards the Living Water, Jesus Christ! You are making a difference for eternity!

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