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Yes to the Mess


Updated: May 16, 2022

Back in January 2005, Open Arms International was just three years old and needed to make their first hire. That hire turned out to be me! 

I left a secure job and a nice salary when I said ‘yes’ to an unknown start-up, a tiny organization that couldn’t guarantee I’d have a job in a year.

I had the privilege of seeing the evolution of Open Arms from a short-term missions organization serving Africa and India to a deeply-rooted ministry in Eldoret, Kenya.

Where other organizations choose to go wide, Open Arms chose to go deep - deep into the lives of hurting people who need the permanent love of God to invade their community.

Open Arms Village now provides transformational care to over 160 children who have been rescued from desperate situations and given hope for a fantastic future.

I’m proud to say that after years of being involved with the organization in a variety of ways, I’ve said ‘yes’ once again – this time to being the Executive Director.

Like you, I’ve seen the challenges – the messes – that Open Arms has said ‘yes’ to. Raising traumatized and abused children is messy. Managing a non-profit that has gone through a long list of changes is, well, messy.

I’m saying 'yes' to the mess, and I’m hoping you’ll join me.

Like Open Arms needed me to come back, severely abused and traumatized children need you to come back, as well.

group of people
Open Arms Kenya Management Team says "Yes to the mess!" at a recent International Management Summit in Kenya

We’ve done the math – it takes a mere $11 a day to raise a child in the high-quality environment that Open Arms Village and our supporters provide. That’s food, education, clothing, medical care, a family, a home and the everlasting love of Jesus!

I’m praying that you will say 'yes' once again. We need you!

If you have any questions about the evolution of change at Open Arms International, I welcome them. My heart is to draw back those God is calling to this mission and rekindle your passion for the kids of Open Arms Village.

Will you please say 'yes' once again? Just $11 a day will transform the life of a child and we have thousands of days that need to be covered. How many could you provide?

Together with you,

Kaytie Fiedler Executive Director

P.S. We have an urgent need right now! Open Arms Village has received SEVEN babies in the last 6 months. How many days of care could you provide?

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